
pp电子极速糖果, we provide you with the foundation for a successful career as a professional accountant after earning your accounting degree. 你可以在学士阶段学习会计, 作为辅修与另一主修的结合, or combined with a Master of 工商管理 (MBA) through our 3+2 program. 


Earning your accounting degree 卡内基梅隆大学 is one step along the path toward CPA licensure. 我们有一个小的, high-quality accounting degree program with dedicated faculty who have experience working as accountants.

每年春天, our students have the unique opportunity to work with area CPAs through CMU’s Tax Assistance Program, reviewing student-prepared returns and answering research- and return-related questions. 每年都有几个学生参加实习, 主要是在纳税季节, 获得注册会计师事务所的实践经验. Graduates with their accounting degree often have job offers before they finish the program.


This program is designed for undergraduate students who do not wish to pursue CPA certification. The general accounting degree concentration provides students with basic business skills as well as the accounting knowledge needed to work in an accounting department in private industry or government.

Academic Requirements for 理学学士 in 总会计

The public accounting concentration provides students with basic business skills as well as the accounting knowledge needed to pass the Certified 公共会计 (CPA) exam. Graduates of this program have a very high CPA exam pass rate and are heavily recruited by local and regional CPA firms. 大多数毕业生会在毕业前几个月就拿到工作机会. This program is designed to be the undergraduate component of the 3+2 accounting program which can earn the graduate a 理学学士 in 会计 and a Master of 工商管理 (MBA) in five years. The public accounting concentration is the required pathway for the 3+2 program and, 与3+2计划相结合, 会提供注册会计师执照所需的课程吗.


无论你的专业是什么,会计都是商业语言, the more accounting you have the better prepared you will be for a management position. 这是一门严格的辅修课程,将在简历上脱颖而出.


The 3+2 program is a five year plan that enables students to graduate with a 理学学士 in 会计 and a Master of 工商管理. This combination prepares students to earn the hours needed to sit for the CPA exam. 经过精心策划和协调, students can complete their four-year degree and begin their graduate degree, 同时完成两者.

Academic Requirements for 理学学士+工商管理硕士 in 会计(3+2课程)

会计学位有360度的可能性. 每个企业都需要会计方面的帮助, 无论是华尔街的律师事务所, 职业运动队, 电影制作公司或摇滚乐队. With the proper accounting education, your employment options are endless. 


  • 公共会计
  • 企业会计
  • 政府会计
  • 纳税申报的准备和计划
  • 审计
  • 财务报表编制

如果你正在考虑从商, becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) will allow you to be a star player on any business team. 因为注册会计师了解金融的细节, their expertise is valued everywhere — from high technology companies to the music industry to the fast-paced world of electronic commerce. The CPA designation is a stepping stone to whatever business career you can imagine. 你知道几家财富500强公司的董事长吗, 包括耐克(菲尔·奈特), Home Depot (Arthur Blank) and UNISYS (Lawrence Weinbach) are all CPAs?

需要更多关于会计职业选择的信息? 探索你可以用会计学位做些什么. 或联系 虹膜 为学术和职业建议.



德丽莎·卡里佐,2008届BS会计专业毕业生 & MBA(3+2课程), has used the knowledge and skills she gained 卡内基梅隆大学 to start her own business as a tax and general business advisor.



We want to equip future CPAs with the tools they need to be successful in their careers and to pass the CPA exam to get there. Here are a few statistics regarding the 2016 CPA exam passing rates.

  • CMU accounting graduates beat the nationwide average in all four sections, 以及科罗拉多州四分之三地区的平均水平.
  • 针对2016年注册会计师考试的首次考生, CMU毕业生在科罗拉多州排名第一, 全国排名第16, 中等规模的学校.
  • CMU accounting graduates tie the best of the large Colorado institutions, 四项考试中有两项成绩高于平均水平, and performed better than graduates from all other large Colorado institutions.
  • 与科罗拉多大学的大型研究生项目相比, CMU graduates tie the best of these schools by performing better on two out of four sections, and performed better than all other institutions with large graduate programs.
  • When compared to Colorado universities with restrictive entry requirements, CMU graduates tie the best of these schools by performing better on two out of four sections, and performed better than all other Colorado institutions with restrictive entry requirements.



Finding the right job after graduation can be a source of anxiety for many students, but some students in pp电子极速糖果’s accounting program have jobs lined up more than a year before they graduate. The accounting program and accounting club prepare and give students ample opportunities to be recruited by firms prior to graduation.
